Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breast Cancer Does Not Care!

One thing can be said about all types of cancer-it is very fair and nondiscriminatory. Breast cancer is no different. It doesn’t care if you are black or white, it does not care if its day or night. It does not care if you are poor, it does not care if you are rich. It doesn’t care if you are kind or if you are a complete-well, you get the idea.

It does not care because we are all the same. That’s an amazing thought-no matter where you grew up, what foods you ate and culture you’re a part of, inside we are all share the same biological make up. Cancer can strike any of us equally, and then we will be going through the same struggles as every other cancer battler. The good news is at MarellaDesigns, I don’t care either! Of course, I have my personal belief system. But a large part of that system is respecting other’s systems as well. You can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheistic, whathaveyou-I love you!! And I want to make you smile with my work.
Never is this more true than this week, while I am focusing on breast cancer. Every battler needs support, and it does not matter where this support comes from. A lot of people turn to their religions, so I wanted to create some pins especially for them. One features the Star of David, while the other a wooden cross. But my favorite part is they each have one small, white rose to symbolize hope. Because, you see, it doesn’t matter where you get your hope from, but that you have it! Never give up hope!

These pins will launch on Monday, September 17th! Please remember, I am always willing to create special orders, especially for my readers! You all can email me any time at

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